UNI 250x400 Directional Drill in Kuwait
A large role to play
As Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) expands its capacity and pursues new technologies, services and supply actors have a large role in both the transfer of knowledge and development towards the country's goals. These companies will benefit from government moves to address labor market issues and regulations hampering the ease of doing business.
Engineers to require recertification
The Public Authority of Manpower decided to require all engineers working in Kuwait's private sector to be certified by the Kuwait Society of Engineers in order to tackle claims of engineers working without proper certification. The KSE planned to recertify the roughly 40,000 expat engineers that work in the market. The process requires that those who graduated from a recognized university before 2010 pass a test and those who graduated from similar universities after 2010 sit through an interview held by an academic committee.
KISR to assess hydrocarbons strategies
As part of efforts by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) to boost co-operation with the hydrocarbons industry, the organization and KPC signed an agreement to assess the country's oil projects under the aim of obtaining the objectives set in KPC's strategy for 2040 and the New Kuwait Vision 2035 in iterative.
Element wins pipe testing contract for Lower Fars project
Element Materials Technology secured a pipe induction bend testing deal with Engie Fabricom for the Lower Fars Heavy Oil Development Program. The mechanical and metallurgical tests will be conducted in Element's laboratory in Antwerp, whereas corrosion testing will be conducted at a laboratory in Amsterdam. The tests will measure bending parameters, impact toughness, strength and har