Avoid and Beat the Heat
You already know what summer means: longer days, unbearable heat, and sweltering afternoons spent working outside. Regardless of where in the country you work, the summer heat may deplete your vitality and, if you're not careful, send you straight to the hospital. How therefore can you maintain composure while working?
If you must be outside, dress in airy, loose clothing and a hat with a broad brim. Avoid using any thick fabrics or dark colors. If you know you'll be perspiring a lot, pack plenty of water and an electrolyte replacement drink. Let your body have a chance to cool down by taking a rest every hour.
Investing in a drilling rig with an air-conditioned cab is another fantastic method to fight the heat, and you're in luck! Our UNI 25 and bigger drills from Universal HDD are available with AC-equipped cabs, allowing you to withstand whatever Mr. Sun throws at you. Therefore, turn up the air conditioning and go to work drilling.